Summer Project for the Boys: Clothesline Poles for UBAC Hostel

The UBAC Hostel clothesline has been in need of repair for some time.  It’s fairly temporary, made of locally available bamboo.

Temporary bamboo clothesline
Temporary bamboo clothesline

So, Ron came up with a project to keep the boys occupied and to give them a learning experience.

Summer school with no credit!  Or as Nate put it, “work with no pay!  🙂  First, Uncle Luke Turk bought metal pipe for the poles and threaded the ends for assembling.  Next, they had to decide how far apart to drill holes for the lines.  The boys should know by now, Ron’s #1 rule:  Measure twice, cut once.

Lesson 1: Measure twice, Cut once (or in this case, drill once).
Lesson 1: Measure twice, Cut once (or in this case, drill once).

Next the precision task of drilling holes into the pipe for the clothesline to be tied into.

Bobby, Ben and Timothy hold the pipe while Nate drills with supervision from Ron
Bobby, Ben and Timothy hold the pipe while Nate drills with supervision from Ron

When holes were drilled through both sides of all 3 cross pipes, they brought the pipes over to UBAC Hostel to assemble them.


Under supervision of the guard dogs, Bobby, Nate and Michael assemble the pipes.
Under supervision of the guard dogs, Bobby, Nate and Michael assemble the pipes.

A couple days later, after the rain stopped, the clothesline poles were cemented into the ground and strung.  When it’s dry these sturdy poles will be ready to support all the freshly washed laundry the UBAC Hostel can produce!


The finished product
The finished product
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