Ministry Trips USA: NC, OH

When Ron discovered that Colombus, OH is on the way from Waxhaw, NC to Grand Rapids, he hatched a brilliant idea.   He needed to get something to NC, and we had a conference to attend near Colombus, OH.  so he decided to “kill 2 birds with one stone” by combining trips.

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Ron builds a crate on the trailer around a metal lathe he’s sending to Cameroon

 Ron wanted to send a few items to Rain Forest International School – items he will need for his job as Director of Technical Services or as Industrial Arts teacher.  One item is a metal lathe that he has had for many years.   It is very heavy, so Ron decided to build a crate for shipping around it, on the trailer he’d use to transport it.

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The crate is packed and ready to nail shut

When the crate was done, and trailer put back together, Ron and Michelle headed out on a road trip to JAARS in Waxhaw, NC.  JAARS, a service of Wycliffe Bible Translators, send out containers to Cameroon about 3 or 4 times a year.

2014-05 crate OH JAARS

Along the way they took in some of the beautiful sights — including the New River Gorge Bridge.

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New River Gorge Bridge (photo compliments of someone who posted this on the internet)

They delivered the crate to JAARS, and did a bit of shopping for more things to send to RFIS.  Then Michelle caught a train for PA where she met up with a friend from RFIS, and Ron drove up to OH for the annual meeting of our denominational region.  Meanwhile, I rode with some wonderful folks from one of the Grand Rapids area Covenant churches to meet him there.  We heard great reports of church planting and other activities in the Great Lakes region of the Covenant.

2014-05 crate OH lehmans

On the way home we took in more sights and errands.  Lehmans hardware store in Kidron, OH boasts “providing non-electric alternatives since 1955.”  We have appreciated shopping for lamps, stoves, and other useful things at that store since working in Congo where non-electric alternatives were even more important to our life.  While choosing accessories for our Kerosene lamp we met a manager who gave us more history of the store.  When we said we’re missionaries in Cameroon, he told us the store was founded by a man who had served as a missionary in Africa many years ago.

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Another stop in OH was at our favorite cheese factory: Guggisberg Cheese Factory and the Chalet in the Valley restaurant in Millersburg.  We first met the Guggisbergs when visiting the Covenant church in Millersberg.  Members of the Covenant church, this Swiss family originated “Baby Swiss Cheese”.  For their whole story, click on this link.    In the heart of Amish country, the location is beautiful — so after buying lots of cheese we decided to stay for lunch at their restaurant.

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Hauling the now empty trailer, we stopped at the Guggisberg’s cheese factory and restaurant.

Before returning home we stopped at my niece’s home to share our ministry with the congregation of her church.  It was great fun seeing where her family live, and spending time with my other niece (her sister) and family.


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