Ministry Trips USA: Connecticut

Our main goal this year in the US is to visit all our ministry partners.  In the Fall Ron flew to MN in Oct. and to KS in Nov.  In March I flew to CT where I had the opportunity to visit several Covenant churches, a preschool, retirement community.   In each of those places I shared how lives are transformed through the ministry of Rain Forest International School.

2014-03 CT Hilltop
Hilltop Covenant Church and Preschool
One of several churches I visited in CT.
2014-03 CT Village lunch
Enjoying lunch with Covenant Village residents after sharing stories of God’s goodness during morning devotions.
2014-04 rip n roll 8
A meeting of the women’s group at the Covenant Church in Woodstock, CT

I also had the chance to get together with friends and family members, and see interesting local attractions.  One of the first days there Pastor Scott & Robin took me on a drive to some very cool places, including Goodspeed Opera House and the Gillette Castle.

2014-03 CT Gillette Castle
Gillette Castle in the Connecticut River Valley

I got to spend a whole day with former missionary friends I’ve known since our”Zaire days”.  We drove down to the coast and visited Mystic, CT.  We were a bit early for touring the Mystic Seaport, but still got a personal verbal presentation from very nice guides who took time to tell us what to see and do when the attractions were still on “winter hours”.

2014-03 CT Mystic Seaport
Mystic Seaport
2014-03 CT Baby Seal
Wildlife sighting!

And while none of us had ever seen the movie “Mystic Pizza” (nor really ever intend to do so), it just seemed right to have pizza in Mystic!

2014-03 CT Mystic Pizza
Having pizza in Mystic with friends

Another day I drove over to the next town to visit my cousin and her family.  And on a free afternoon I got to be with Dr. Linda, whom I’d first met in Loko, Zaire (now Dem. Rep. Congo) when she was serving as short term missionary.  Having kids around the same ages now, we had lots to catch up on.

2014-03 CT Linda S
An afternoon of catching up with friend and former Covenant missionary Dr. Linda

After this trip, the only big ministry trip is to OK.  After that all the churches left to visit are in MI.

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