Bandages Rolling to a Stop


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Bandage rolling is alive and well in Covenant Churches around the USA.  And bandages are always needed by the hospitals and clinics in Congo.

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Whether rolling with the help of a “machine” or by hand, the hands of women roll bandages with care.  And then those hands are folded in prayer for the Congolese people who will be needing the bandages.





Unfortunately, the flurry of  ripping & rolling is screeching to a halt; not for lack of NEED but for lack of SECURITY in the Central African Republic, through which the containers delivering the  bandages must pass.  In a letter from Meagan Gillan, Exec. Minister of Women Ministries, explains the situation and asks women to brainstorm alternative ways to meet needs in Congo.

Meagan also expresses appreciation for groups of women who have been making and shipping bandages, baby layettes and midwife kids for decades.  There is great value in their service, as well as the fellowship they enjoy while doing these projects.

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Women’s group in Woodstock, CT whose handiwork benefit Congo and Seafarers Mission

In my travels this year I have seen several groups of women who are among those who have rolled bandages and made baby clothes for the Congo Covenant hospitals for decades, and others who are just learning how for the first time.   It’s sad to think this service activity may be coming to an end, but exciting to think what God might inspire as we all take a step back and re-evaluate stewardship of  resources and consider alternative ways to help.

Pray that peace and security return to Central African Republic  – not only to enable transport of supplies to Congo, but for the sake of Central Africans.

Pray for creative solutions to the problem of high cost of transport.  For the whole story, check out this article.

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