Colleagues, Friends, Fellowship and Fun

Earlier this month we had the pleasure of hosting two special women. Lana Heinrich, who coordinates short term missions for the Covenant, and Letha Kerl, who serves with her husband as Regional Coordinators for Covenant missionaries in Europe and Africa. The purpose of the trip was for Lana to see current and potential ministries for short term missionaries to do here in Cameroon.

She visited Rain Forest International School for part of a day, seeing classes, having lunch, observing Covenant missionaries in action. She saw the new hostel construction next door to RFIS. And she observed Covenant short term missionary Heidi Boeckel teaching preschool children of missionaries, and helping with a Bible club at an orphanage for Cameroonian children. She also took the 7 hour trip to Bamenda where she was able to see the many community development activities Covenant short term missionary Sharon Davis is involved in.

While they were here, friends from Reach Global (Free Church mission) came through Yaounde on their way to a conference in Kenya. Many of us have known each other and worked together for the past 20 plus years of service in Congo/Zaire, Central African Republic and Cameroon. Others have become friends more recently. So we had a party at the Brown’s house!

Jan, Carolyn, Jeff, Lana, Sandy, Letha, Patsy & Sharon fellowship at table
Hostess Sheryl with Suzanne and Jeff
Kim raises a cup of pop to celebrate good friends with his fellow colleagues serving in CAR, Ann & Tim
Ron, Phil and Dave on a couch
FC kids had fun of their own.

On their last day in Yaounde (while my family was at the RFIS Carnival), Letha and Lana went with Heidi and me to do a little souvenir shopping and celebrate Heidi’s birthday!  We went to one of Heidi’s favorite restaurants – one I’d not yet experienced.  It is becoming my new favorite!

Happy Birthday, Heidi! Enjoy your avocado sandwich!Lana enjoys her fruit drink with lunch on her last day in Yaounde.

Hopefully Lana’s visit will help her better describe the ministry possibilities here in Cameroon to potential short term missionaries.  She’ll also be able to let them know, from first hand experience, what it’s like here.  Let’s pray the Lord sends new missionaries to serve with us here.

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