What Keeps Ron Busy: Teaching Carpentry

And now for another story on what keeps Ron busily happy in his ministry at RFIS as the Director of Technical Services.  Third story:  Teaching Carpentry.

Besides all the academic courses, Rain Forest International School (RFIS) offers Domestic Arts and Industrial Arts courses when there is sufficient staff to teach it.   So last year and again this semester, Ron is teaching Carpentry.  Last semester his 3 students made benches which are used around campus.  This year he has seven students who have built “adirondack chairs”.

sanding the boards


assembling the pieces after they're cut and sanded


almost done

The chairs will be placed around the campfire and prayer garden for students to use at lunch and other break times. 

How does it feel?
I think it'll be great to sit in and visit with friends!
Ah yes, satisfied with a job well done!
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