
Ministry Job Fair, Adolescent Health Issues and CYMS Lecture Series

Adolescent Health Issues  
A Dialogue with Health Professionals and Youth Pastors 
Featuring Dr. Duke Han and Dr. Daniel White Hodge
The journey through adolescence toward adulthood includes both opportunities and challenges for health. The developing adolescent brain is faced with

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Introducing CHIC 2015 Council (1)

Sally Carlson: Enrichment Services

Hi, I’m Sally Carlson and I serve as co-pastor with my husband, Dan Larson, at Norquay Covenant Church in Norquay, Saskatchewan, Canada. I love traveling, playing volleyball, laughing (seriously!), and most of all – being with …

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Summer Gig

Would you like to spend the summer making a difference?

Merge is going to have a big summer in 2013! They will need a full summer staff to be able to support all of the teams going. Merge will need …

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Welcome Ben

We would like to extend a warm welcome to one of the newest chair members

of the CHIC 2015 council, Ben Pease!

Ben is originally from Massachusetts, and served as a youth pastor there for 6 years before serving at …

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God Sightings

Post a Comment » Written on January 2nd, 2013     
Filed under: Print Resource, Resources, Uncategorized, Web Resource

I love to start off my day reading the word of God.

So, what better way to start the New Year than setting a goal to read the bible in ONE year!

Pretty cool right?

I am a part of …

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The Bible and Worship: Music, Art, and Culture

During Midwinter – join Geoff Twigg, Jay Phelan, and Jen McDonald for a Two-Day Workshop (Tuesday & Thursday) on:

The Bible and Worship: exploring the origins and character of worship in the Old and New Testament. Both Israelite and early …

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The Jesus Creed

Post a Comment » Written on December 26th, 2012     
Filed under: Center for Youth Ministry Studies, Resources, Uncategorized, Web Resource, YM Network

We are now blessed with the gift of hope. The gift of God’s great love for us continues to dwell within my heart. Even though Christmas has come and gone, it is important for us to continue to tell others …

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Using Story to Change

Tune in on Saturday, January 12, 2013 10:00 am – Noon CST for a Workshop/Webinar on: Using Story to Change the World: For Teenagers Who Are Student Leaders

This interactive workshop is designed for teenagers who are student leaders, although …

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Slam Trips

Slam Trips is a program of Mending Wings – A Native American, non-profit youth organization on the Yakama Reservation in Washington State. S.L.A.M. stands for “Students Learning About Missions”, and it is a faith-based program that exists to stir up …

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Youth Worker’s Connection in MIDWINTER

One thing I look forward to more than anything else is our encounter. There is nothing like seeing you at Midwinter, and what God intends for us. So many lives are changed by the power of God. What an amazing …

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