Wednesday night of CHIC Judy Peterson addressed John 5’s question, “Do you want to be made well?” with those gathered. You have a “choice to be made well or not – no one can make the decision for someone else.” …
Covenant Kids: Follow up Trips
Filed under: CHIC, Resources
Tags: CHIC, Covenant Kids Ministries
Mission trips are being planned to follow the CHIC 2012 offering for Covenant Kids. Your group or individuals from your group can experience first-hand what God is doing to bring hope through Covenant Kids ministries in Colombia and India.
Colombia …
Now What?
Students Reflect on CHIC
Filed under: CHIC, Reflection
Tags: CHIC 2012, Reflection, students, youth group
You are Tov
God, I Will…
Take Some Notes
Filed under: CHIC, Resources
Tags: CHIC2012, Dominique Gilliard, Education
From Dominique Gilliard:
Below are excepts from a statement that is being put together for a task force on education for the CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) this year. This will be relevent to what we will be discussing at …
What to bring to CHIC
Filed under: Announcements, CHIC
Tags: CHIC2012, KARM, LR2J, Packing List
So, you’re registered and you have 4 weeks to pack for CHIC…we’d like to help you pack what you’ll want to be sure to bring along.
As you probably know by now, one of our most fundamental partnerships this year …
Thoughts on a 50 hour bus ride to CHIC
Marc Lantz – Youth Pastor, Faith Covenant Church Breton, Alberta, Canada
Where will you be the Friday morning before CHIC 2012 kicks off in Knoxville, TN? Perhaps you’ll be enjoying the summer sunshine while you mow the lawn before you’re …
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