by Chris Logan
Last week I flew to Chicago on some business. The day started out early and pretty rough; plugged sinuses, no appetite, dizziness, dreary cold skies, and the distinct possibility of snow. By the time my ride showed …
by Dawn Holt Lauber
This past June, the church I serve – a multigenerational congregation of long-term families – received a Vital Worship Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Lilly Foundation. The grant funds a year-long …
by Dawn Holt Lauber
This past June, the church I serve – a multigenerational congregation of long-term families – received a Vital Worship Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Lilly Foundation. The grant funds a year-long …
by Chris Logan
My time as a church-planter living in Australia back in 2006 changed my outlook on a lot of things, most of them positive. I got to learn from some pretty big names in the missional church world, …
by Jessica Perez
I have always loved working with students. In fact, before I joined our staff full time as the music director, I spent many years on student ministry staff & teaching music in public school. I believe in …
by Chris Logan
I interned for a summer with a worship arts pastor when I was in college. At the time, it had nothing to do with my major, and I did it for free. But it was an awesome
by Chris Logan
There are times of joy in a spiritual family, times when we are excited for one another’s celebrations, for one another’s new beginnings, for one another’s blessings. Hugs, smiles, and laughter come with great ease.
But there …