Human Trafficking and the Covenant

When Julio Isaza, fellow Covenant missionary in Colombia, was attending North Park Seminary he engaged the Seminary in conversation about coming to Colombia and putting on a Mission and Ministry course. Paul de Neui, Professor of Missiology, was very much …


Remembering Our Legacy

“My people will know my name. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who declare “God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:6-7)

Called to Missions 3

Covenant World Mission has



Tucked within the balmy tropics of Yaounde, Cameroon, is a hostel full of students in need of “hostel parents!” Whether you’re interested in going or desire to partner with us in prayer, read this plea from missionaries Ron & Janet …


God Makes All Things New

This post was taken from Covenant missionaries serving in Asia sent on Feb. 4, 2014

Today marks the fifth day of the Lunar New Year festival where we are.  There was an increased level of firecracker noise today, so we


Thank You Jo Ellen!

In December 2013, Covenant World Mission welcomed Jo Ellen Reaves back to the United States after 14 years of serving as a project missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico. Through the prayers and financial support of our partners in mission, Jo Ellen


A Call To Prayer For South Sudan

On the first of this year, South Sudan’s president declared a state of emergency due to intense rebel fighting and the spiraling violence that has demoralized the world’s newest nation. Covenant World Relief director Dave Husby, acknowledged that this is


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