Category Archives: Uncategorized

Peacemaking and a Word about Religiosity

Hello World!

I’ve been rather quiet here lately and thought I would try to catch up a bit. I’m currently involved in four groups that talk about race, anti-racism, reconciliation and a whole host of other topics. Three are offered Read More

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Wholeness, integration, peace, shalom

I (Johnna) recently wrote this devotion for a two-day Zoom meeting with the Covenant team in Europe. Feel free to check out the Values Exercise. If you do it, I’d love to hear about it! You can comment below or Read More

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Brennan Manning – Abba of Jesus

Fabio’s been reading books by Brennan Manning and reading a bit about his life. He was a recovering alcoholic, soldier, journalist, priest, married, divorced (not necessarily in that order) who wrote about radical grace. Here’s a quote I came across Read More
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I wish the world would collaborate more

Just thinking out loud… after posting something similar on a friend’s feed. And I’m not saying any country that is doing well right now might not have a second wave. COVID just has so many unknowns…
I’m not aware if Read More
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Bridges – What kind of bridge are you?


Bridges connect sides of a way so one can get across.

Bridges provide a means to cross places otherwise impassable.

Draw bridges, toll bridges, covered bridges, rope bridges.

Some bridges are free and easy to cross.

Others are difficult Read More

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Coffee and English on Saturday mornings – explained

I recently wrote this for someone who asked for more information about our Coffee and English conversation group on Saturday mornings. I hope it will help you understand better what we are up to in Lyon!

The need for English Read More

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Who Am I and What Happened to Johnna?

Maybe I’ve been married to a driver/8 on the enneagram for too long (8 years and counting!), but this year I’ve been thinking about goals more than ever AND I just signed up to this website/newsletter thing called Jesus Hacks Read More

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Let’s talk about Classism

Watched this video of Al Tizon, the Executive Director of Serve Globally, the amazing organization that we work with. I don’t think about classism enough. I hope I’ll be more aware of the ways we are or are not interacting Read More

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End of Summer!

Today was the day our youngest went back to day care. Though she only goes three days a week, it is a huge change for us. We “survived” the summer, but it was LONG! It is a challenge to think Read More

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What does sloth mean to you?

A reflection from our friend, pastor, mentor, global practitioner, John Notehelfer (published with his permission):

I have been reading a series of devotionals on the “Seven deadly sins” by Win Collier. What got my personal attention was his challenging reflections Read More

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