Posts under ‘News’

CEUM re-elects President Mboka

Reverend Jules Mboka was re-elected to serve a second 4 year term as President of the CEUM during the General Assembly (biennial meeting) January 10-15.  The meeting was held in the village of Botakambia.  After conducting the business of the …

CWR responds to flooding in Bumba

Covenant World Relief (CWR) recently responded to the severe flooding in Bumba with a disaster relief grant.  In late November exceptionally heavy rains fell on Bumba just when the Congo river was at its highest at the end of the …

Ndonges attack our garage and storeroom

Ndonges are a small, wood eating termite that ravage wooden structures in our area.  Congolese repeatedly tell of how the ndonges destroyed this or that.  For the traditional mud and thatch houses, they will eat out the supporting sticks as …

CKC calls for child and gender protection in Gemena

“To educate a girl is to water the garden of your neighbor” says the culture.  This is the kind of attitude that World Vision is fighting to change with their work on the issues of Child Protection and Gender Equality.  …

CKC encouraging food security in Gemena

“I am very happy for what I learned as a part of this [gardening] group.  Now I am able to give my kids some food in the morning before they go to school.  They also have some food to sell …

CKC- capped springs provide water for over 900 homes








The Suzia water system includes several capped springs, a 10,560 gal reservoir and 10 faucets to serve the population has been completed.  We visited it last week and World Vision told us that …

CKC wells provide water to over 16,500 people in Gemena

Animata waiting for her jug to fill

Animata waiting for her jug to fill

Animata used to have to go 3 kilometers per day to get water for her family and she would do this 3 times a day.  Since the deep well water system in the …

Huge Celebration for the Marriage of Two Pastors

I promise to love and obey my wife/husband, to care for her/him whether in sickness or in health, whether we have much or are poor,…until death separates us” were a part of the vows the two couples took at the …

Workshops on Integrity in Leadership

Over the past month I’ve been asked to give two workshops on integrity in Leadership.  In August I went to Loko to meet with the CEUM’s medical technical committee and then Sept 24-25 I was with the leadership of the …

Women ministries visit to cattle project

Last Friday Cindy and several women leaders went to see the women ministries cattle project and talk with the herdsman in the Banga Kungu church region about 40 miles East of Gemena.  This was her first time to accompany the …

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