CWR responds to flooding in Bumba

Covenant World Relief (CWR) recently responded to the severe flooding in Bumba with a disaster relief grant.  In late November exceptionally heavy rains fell on Bumba just when the Congo river was at its highest at the end of the rainy season.  The result was flooding in 5 of the 6 neighborhoods in Bumba and all roads into Bumba flooded and traffic into town blocked.  CEUM Pastor Bofio learned 2,000 homes were destroyed and 7,000 households out of their homes, some of whom were living in boats!  CWR granted funds for emergency medicines, tarps and other needed supplies.

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Last week when Al Tizon, new Executive Minister of Covenant World Mission, made his first visit to Congo MAF flew him to 5 stations including Bumba.  They delivered the first $1,000 of emergency medicines.  These meds will help the health services treat malaria, diarrhea, dehydration, typhoid, cholera and more.

representatives of the health services in Bumba met to decide on the distribution of the meds.

representatives of the health services in Bumba met to decide on the distribution of the meds.









The CEUM, Catholic and government health services all received some meds.  More will be coming in the next weeks.

distribution of medicines

distribution of medicines

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