CKC calls for child and gender protection in Gemena

“To educate a girl is to water the garden of your neighbor” says the culture.  This is the kind of attitude that World Vision is fighting to change with their work on the issues of Child Protection and Gender Equality.  WV’s desire is that men and women, boys and girls would be valued equally.  They want to see that women and children are accorded the dignity they deserve as people made in the image of God.  They are holding seminars and teaching people that gender inclusion in all areas of life is essential for sustainable development.


  • – There was a situation where the wife was no longer around and the father sold the house where his kids lived. WV learned of this when the police came to expel the kids.  The case went to court where WV got the local child protection agency involved to defend the kids.  The result was that the kids were allowed to remain in their home.  WV’s role is to identify such cases, get them referred to the appropriate state social structure for care and then follow through with the state to see that appropriate action is taken.
  • – They identified 14 orphans that were not going to school and worked with schools to accept them into school for free.
  • – 12 kids were held be a sorceress because their family had declared them demon possessed. WV’s staff learned of the situation, pursued legal action against the woman with the result that the children were taken away and she was arrested.  The children has been abused: hit, had food withheld, forced to drink oil or eat salt and more.  These children are now receiving care.

The following is a list of some of the actions taken and accomplishments in these areas:

  • – 1,200 housewives have been taught about caring for girls
  • – 2,400 households have been taught about malaria prevention and cleanliness around their homes
  • – They have identified 32 clubs in Gemena that work against gender violence and they are coordinating with these clubs
  • – They are building cooperation amongst the 26 local NGOs that work to protect children
  • – 100 local police, army, government officials and development agents were trained in child protection. Some of the training includes simply teaching people what laws are on the books in Congo and how to work to see them implemented.
  • – 86 schools in Gemena have participated in seminars about reducing the hard labor often given to students
  • – Other children have been freed from arbitrary arrest, torture and corporal punishment sexual violence and more
  • – Small child parliament groups have started. In these the children learn the laws concerning child protection.  WV has found that often these groups end up teaching their parents, civil authorities and others about the Congolese laws.

PRAY for these initiatives:

  • – for a good reception by participants and then implementation
  • – for abuse to be brought to light and appropriately prosecuted
  • – for fairness and justice in the local legal system as many times it has not functioned that way


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