Posts under ‘News’

Fording the River

This is what we faced on our way home to Gemena several weeks ago.  You can see us in the back, peeking around the right of the BIG truck stuck in the river.

I had more room to get past …

Congolese refugees learning recording skills

Felix, age 24, and Richard, age 23, are in a 6 month internship to learn how to record and mix music at a local studio in Kitengela, Kenya.  This training is one of several initiatives the Kitengela Covenant Church is …


What a joy it is to have Marta Klein join us in Congo. Marta, a physician’s assistant from Salina, KS, will serve in Karawa after she completes ~7 weeks of Lingala study. She just arrived from France where she studied …

Courage in Sudan

Dave Husby, Director of Covenant World Relief, just shared this story:

I keep meeting amazing people on this trip. Elizabeth is a 30 year old widow living in Malakal, Sudan. In addition to her 5 children she is also caring

Not to Be Sold or Exchanged

Yep, that’s what the label on the bottle of oil said, so should we buy it or not?  What would you do?

Here’s the entire context.  The local elementary school at Bokonzo participates in the UNICEF program that gives all …

OUTSTANDING Offering to Repair Church Roof

Praise the Lord! The Bokonzo congregation gave an outstanding offering to repair the church roof on Feb 6th.

During the few days leading up to the 6th, they received gifts for 7 kilos of roofing nails and 4 of the …

Food and Cooks at Pastors Conference

The cooks at the Pastors Conference did an outstanding job.

2,245 pastors and spouses attended. A conference does not work in Congo like it does in the US where we all head out to neighboring restaurants to eat. Here there …

Gift of Cloth

Every woman attending the Pastors’ Conference this week, some 470 women, received a gift of a piece of cloth from the President of Congo. Yes, that’s correct – the President of Congo. The CEUM invited His Excellence Arthur Sedea, the …

Translating: what a workout!

Cindy and I got a real workout with translation today. We have been translating at the CEUM Pastors’ Conference in Gbado-Lite. Today Cindy translated Gary Gadini’s last message on Jonah and mission from English to Lingala.

Gary had a great …

UPS truck or Airport Limousine service?

Which is it this trip? Or, which are we? A UPS brown delivery truck with next day (or month) deliver of mattresses and 8 boxes of medicines for the health center in Bangui or an airport limousine service getting Sarah …

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