The Amazon and Back


Machetes, tarps and baskets of avocados have now become essential road trip items. Last week we packed up the car and did a 1000 kilometer loop through the Amazon region of Ecuador visiting projects and sites of future projects. It was a great opportunity to see more of the rainforest region of Ecuador.

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Rolando, the president of FACE (the foundation we are collaborating with) took us on a whirlwind three day tour introducing us to community leaders and orienting us to the work that is happening in the jungle areas of Ecuador. Next month we will be returning to some of the projects for longer periods of time. The many hours spent in the car were also a good time to get to know Rolando better and plan/dream about the future.

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Marcos, giving us a tour of the oyster mushroom project that he is a part of in Sumaco.


Being gifted Yuca stalks to try and plant in the low sierra.

We heard some very tragic stories and saw difficult living situations; they were good reminders of why were doing what we are doing. Some days we spend many hours working at a computer and its easy to forget what’s important. Even in very poor communities where malnutrition is visible people were very welcoming and generous. We brought avocados from the trees at our house to share with people along the way as a token of our thanks and friendship. 


Admiring jungle foliage

Yes, we ate grubs, and yes, we saw monkeys, and overall it was a great trip. We came home with a trunk full of plants, fruits, leaves and other agricultural artifacts (hence the need for protective tarps). We love living in such a richly biodiverse and also culturally diverse country!


Chonta-Curo, essentially a grub-kabob!


Amazon Loot that we came home with






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