Category Archives: Fulani/M friends

Vegetable garden co-ops! Amazing!

Roy & Tom & Nadege, our veggie garden specialist at CEFA, visited 3 co-op gardens across the border among the Fulani refugees the other day.  They were super encouraged by the energy and obvious enthusiasm for taking care of these …

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There is hope for reconciliation in CAR! Please keep praying!

car map

While there are maps being circulated showing the proposed division of the country of Central African Republic into 2 separate entities, the president of C.A.R. has sent out her cabinet ministers with UN reps to start up reconciliation initiatives in …

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Please keep praying for our Fulani friends!

Here’s Pastor B, ready to go visit Fulani friends on his new motorcycle, which supporters have purchased through our Fulani ministry funds.  We are so very thankful that he is there in the Cameroonian border town, with contacts all over …

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Please keep praying for our Fulani friends

Please keep the prayers going for health and peace and especially for salvation for our Fulani friends living across the border.

These kids’ papa has built a new home for them there in the town that I visit each week.  …

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I am so very thankful for friends across the river. I am thankful for their positive attitudes and for their openness to whatever God brings them today. I am thankful that so many are weathering the storm, waiting for a …

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To all of you who are praying for our Fulani friends

Thank you for praying!!!   Thanks be to our Lord who answers prayer!!  I was with some of my buddies across the river this week, rejoicing about little baby Dahiru and his mom, who are alive and well after quite an …

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The joy of giving!

What a busy, unorganized, wonderful, heartwarming, mind boggling time we had this past week, sharing our abundance (special thanks to Encompass & CWR) with our friends just across the river who are suffering.  Even though the gift of cassava, peanuts, …

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About the Fulani, an good overview by Angsthelm


I shared this article on Facebook, in French, and I think it gives a fair overview.  The picture is also from Angsthelm.  Please keep praying for the Fulani!

A free opinion of Bruno Angsthelm, Chargé de mission Africa at

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Ramadan is over

Nadege, our amazing CEFA ag/nutrition lady, and I just had nice visits with a few Fulani friends in the town across the river.  Ramadan just ended, and we missed the big celebration day, but nonetheless my buddies treated us to …

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Oops!  Here we are already a week into Ramadan, and I didn’t mention it in our prayer requests!

June 28 marked the beginning of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting.  Please join us in praying for Muslims around the world …

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