Category Archives: Back2Eden
Tractor! New to us!
We had planned for long to get a used tractor for the Back 2 Eden farm, and Covid slowed us down even more than usual for the purchase. We are so thankful for this machine which our Back 2 Eden …
Kids on vacation? Put ’em to work!
The kids are on vacation, yes, and they do enjoy lots of free time play time, but they always are ready to help if you ask them. This past week they’ve been busy with:
planting a fruit/ornamental hedge around the …
Still picking macadamia nuts
Yes, we’re still picking macadamia nuts to help out our farm host family while workers can’t come, making the best of Covid19. The farm manager, Zweli, is doing the lion’s share of the work with his granddaughter, Ane, in close …
Work at B2E keeps on
Though I am missing being able to help out at the Genesis Care Centre and at the Masinenge shantytown, Roy is keeping busy on the farm. We live at his workplace, so being on lockdown means little to him …
Roy’s farming colleague and tropical plant co-enthusiast, Avril, recently bought 150 trees from the Back 2 Eden nursery. This was a boon for Roy, who now, at least temporarily during lockdown, has no way of distributing the trees. Whenever they …
Reservoir covered!
In February our visitors, the Johnson family, helped us put up the reservoir, and last week Brian and Anne helped put up the shadecloth over it. This will help keep the water clear of falling leaves, though there still will …
Sweetdale students
At the beginning of the month, when all was still normal, we had a group of students from Sweetdale life skills center coming with their teacher, Jaydene, to the Back 2 Eden farm regularly. They have chosen to study farming …
Fruit at Back 2 Eden farm
Fun to see fruit coming! Plaintains and passionfruit right now as we head into cooler fall weather
Water at the Back 2 Eden farm
The pieces of the reservoir for the Back 2 Eden farm waited just a little bit for the arrival of Sam & Anna’s stateside family friends, the Johnsons. They arrived on Monday at 5pm and Tuesday morning, regardless of jet …
At the Back 2 Eden farm
The good news is that dragonfruit and jackfruit are starting to come, and it is a wonder to see how fast some trees and plants grow, in spite of drought and winds that commonly are about 25 but can …