Category Archives: Family & Friends

Autumn in New England

blog Woodstock autumn (7)blog autumn log cabin blog Woodstock autumn (5)

I LOVE the contrast, greens and red and brilliant orangeyellowpeach…blog Woodstock autumn (3)

Laugh.Out.Loud!blog Woodstock autumn (1) blog autumn

Art & Nancy’s (our first 5 days’ hosts) backyard!  blog Loefstedts backyard

Dan & Karen’s (our second 5 days’ hosts) backyard, complete with deer in the meadow and the morning sun slowly …

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Roy has connections back to the Mayflower, a certain Mr. Richard Warren, so off we went to see Plymouth Rock (not actually the rock they anchored to, but as the write up says “not a bad idea to have our …

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Raking up the leaves!

Enjoying the fall colors means you get to clean up the yard when the colors fade,blog leaves on fire!but Emrie the helper wields a mean rake!blog leaves1

Sorry I didn’t get the picture of her laying down – of course I couldn’t get …

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Old Sturbridge Village and old friends!

Who knew that our dear friend, Linda J Schoonover, lives not even an hour from Woodstock, CT?  Who knew that her folks, Ernie and Viv Johnson, also our dear friends, were going to be with Linda and her family while …

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We were blessed this past two weeks to have Roy’s folks from California join us in Indiana, coinciding with our son Sam and family, missionaries in South Africa, coming to the states for a short visit.  Our whole family was …

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When you hear bad news like this:

about the country you’ve been praying for and hoping to go back to, or when your GPS says you’re hovering over deep water and it needs to replan

blog replanning

or your car catches …

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Sweet friends and a missions fair

What a whirlwind it is when we visit California!  We get dental work done at a dear friend’s office, we get to hang out with family and friends, AND we schedule church visits for every Sunday in the months we …

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Celebrating family and Mom & Dad!!!

We spent last week together at Mom & Dad’s house, helping them to clear out everything they could let go of.  Roy’s brother, Scott, came from Michigan to be a part of our little reunion and sorting force.  Roy’s sister, …

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Mission Springs PSW Covenant women’s retreat

I was blessed to once again be at Mission Springs for a women’s retreat.  What better place to increase in the love and knowledge of our great God??  To be awestruck by the Lord’s creation and to connect with California …

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Roy’s keeping up with great “member care”

Roy was in San Francisco, with Ken Satterberg last weekend, before he spoke at Redwood Covenant in Santa Rosa, CA on Sunday.  I was the missionary speaker at Mission Springs Covenant Women’s Retreat, with Ken’s wife Adrienne and many other …

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