MakDonald Restaurant in Yaounde

MakDonald sign outside the restaurant


Yes, we have MakDonald restaurant in Yaounde!  Ok, it’s not “Mickey D” or McDonald’s and there’s no golden arches or Ronald McDonald anywhere to be found.  But it serves (relatively) “fast food” like grille, pizza, burger, and fries.  And do you get THIS kind of service at YOUR McD? 

Classy waiter at our MakDonald


There is some noticable influence from fast food places in America – like the sign above the order counter (top of photo above) with pictures of menu items.  There are differences too; like cloth tablecloths and flowers on the table, high backed chairs, glass cups and plates, and fruit juice being the standard drink that comes with the meal — well, I ordered Coke. 


On our shopping day last week, Sheryl Noren, Mary Noren, her kids, and I had a great time stopping here for lunch.  Fast, classy, decent price, and definitely something to write home about. 

Sheryl, Mary, Michael and Ruthie waiting at the table


Old Ronald McD better watch out.  The kids didn’t even ask about a toy with their meal.  MakDonald could become quite a hit in the US.  Just watch for this banner and the chicken mascot to start hitting cities in America soon… or maybe not. 

MakD banner advertising the buffet of African food
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