Cameroon Labor Day Holiday

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Labor Day in Cameroon is 1 May. Normally there are parades and festivities all over the city. But since large gatherings are discouraged, there are just small gatherings. This year it’s a Saturday, and our workers are having a feast …

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A New Science Lab

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The Science Department at Rain Forest International Scohol is one of the many ways students are prepared for the next stage of life. Whether they’re studying Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Middle School Science or AP Science courses, the lab has gotten …

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Carnival at Rain Forest

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You know we’re starting to get back to normal when we’re able to do things we could not do during the early days of the pandemic.

One of those things is CARNIVAL! Last year before Carnival was scheduled, the school …

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Easter Sunrise Service

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One of our favorite traditions here has been the Easter sunrise service. Growing up in Michigan, I came to expect the possibility of snowstorms on Easter Sunday. Not in Cameroon! Every year we can confidently plan this great way to …

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Season Finale Storms

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Rainy Season tends to end aro9und the middle of November. But before ending, the rains, lightning and thunder usually intensify. Thta’s what came to mind with the Halloween storm we just had. Strong winds and heavy rain, putting us over …

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Chapel Resumes Finally!!

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We’ve started the 2nd quarter of this 2020-21 school year and are finally able to put community building activities back into the schedule. Those activities include Chapel Wednesdays and Assembly the other mornings.

Having a big open gym helps us …

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October Break Activities

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Our October (aka mid-semester) Break started a little later in the month than usual, but it was indeed a welcome break after our first Quarter of the hybrid schedule at RFIS. My favorite thing to do is puzzles. This is …

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What’s New at RFIS

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Or, Things That Kept Ron Busy During Covid Shut Down

Some of us have decided that an obligatory 2 week quarantine is actually helpful when travelling overseas! Instead of jumping right in to work, it’s kind of nice to be …

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Winging my way Back To Cameroon

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Finally after 5 months (145 days, but who’s counting) my 5 week quick trip is over and I’m back in Cameroon. I was happy to have had so long with Michelle, Nate and Baby Milo!

In the days of Covid-19 …

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World Vision Global 6K for Water 2020

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Tomorrow is the Global 6K for Water with World Vision. I started training a week ago yesterday.  That morning I woke up from a dream so vivid, I knew just what I had to do.


In the dream …

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