Prayer & Praise Update 1 June 2009

Michelle graduated from Confirmation Sunday May 3. 
Talita (our exchange student “daughter” this year) graduated from the high school May 26. 
They boys soccer is going well. 
Ron and I had a great time with the folks at Bachelor Covenant Church on Mother’s Day.
Ron was able to spend extra days with us over Memorial Weekend, so we all went camping – good family time. 
Thankful that I (Janet) have had steady (temp) work at my brother’s company; a project that should continue a few weeks.
Pray for patience and wisdom in parenting. 
Pray for us as Ron continues to work M-F out of state and I care for the home and kids.  Being apart so much is difficult. 
Pray for Talita as she heads back to Brazil June 11; and for us as we grieve her departure. 
Pray for a strong finish to school year for the kids — lots of end of year activities as well as final assignments. 
Pray for safe travel for me & Ron going to the Covenant Annual Meeting in Portland, OR (June 25-28), and for the kids staying with friends here in MI. 
Pray Michelle a good week at Sr. Hi camp at Portage Lake. 
And pray that we’ll continue to discover ministry partners so that Ron may begin his job at RFIS the fall of 2010 (we know we won’t have enough support to be able to be there for the fall of ’09).

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