Posts Tagged ‘youth workers’

Talking About Health

A Dialogue with Health Professionals and Youth Pastors

The journey through adolescence toward adulthood includes both opportunities and challenges for health. The developing adolescent brain is faced with making decision regarding risky actions or healthy behaviors influenced by their social …

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Scholarship for Undocumented Students

Undocumented students planning to attend (or continue attending) a 2 or 4 year college in the fall of 2013 may apply for an Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship. The Fund offers scholarships of $2,000 towards an Associate’s degree and $6,000 towards

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CCDA Café at Trinity International University

FRIENDLY REMINDER: CCDA Café is this Thursday, January 31st. This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about CCDA or introduce your friends to the philosophy of CCD. Click to RSVP!

  • Meet other people who have a vision

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Introducing CHIC 2015 Council (2)

Dominique Gillard: Student Experiences

My name is Dominique DuBois Gilliard. I am a pastor at Convergence Covenant Church in Oakland California. I have a deep passion for discipleship and reconciliation. I also really enjoy working on Christian Community Development initiatives …

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Introducing CHIC 2015 Council (1)

Sally Carlson: Enrichment Services

Hi, I’m Sally Carlson and I serve as co-pastor with my husband, Dan Larson, at Norquay Covenant Church in Norquay, Saskatchewan, Canada. I love traveling, playing volleyball, laughing (seriously!), and most of all – being with …

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Using Story to Change

Tune in on Saturday, January 12, 2013 10:00 am – Noon CST for a Workshop/Webinar on: Using Story to Change the World: For Teenagers Who Are Student Leaders

This interactive workshop is designed for teenagers who are student leaders, although …

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Sprinkle some spice

Post a Comment » Written on November 19th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources, Uncategorized, YM Network
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We Love Our Youth Workers! This is why it is our goal to educate, encourage and energize your Ministry. Everyone has a calling from God to share the Gospel in every season of life.

Read how the wisdom of God …

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What then? – Part 1

By Dale Lusk

Mission trips are often a major part of the student development plan in many churches. I think that is great! I’m all for it.

Unfortunately, many of us as youth pastors might be missing out on what …

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360° Nashville

1 Comment » Written on August 27th, 2012     
Filed under: Announcements, Events
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The Urban Youth Worker Institute (UYWI) is holding a conference in Nashville this September designed for urban, suburban, and multi-ethnic ministry leaders. 360° Nashville will focus on the theme The Beautiful Struggle: Inner Life, Family & Ministry, based on 2 …

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