
Feed My Starving Children

2 comments Written on October 29th, 2012     
Filed under: CHIC, Service, Uncategorized

If you went to CHIC 2006 or 2009, you might remember the organization Feed My Starving Children. Students at CHIC had the opportunity to take part in a service project by packing meals to be sent around the world …

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Rooting for the Bad Guy

Post a Comment » Written on October 24th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources, Web Resource

Thanks to someone’s post on the ECC Youth Workers Facebook page, I discovered a pretty great resource for youth workers: Youth Leader Stash. Ever heard of it? They’ve got great game ideas; blog posts tackling relevant issues, …

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Justice for Families

Post a Comment » Written on October 17th, 2012     
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The Compassion, Mercy, and Justice department of the ECC recently forwarded us an email about a great organization devoted to justice. Justice for Families (J4F) is a national alliance of local organizations working to end our nation’s youth incarceration epidemic.

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A New Kind of Youth Curriculum

2 comments Written on October 10th, 2012     
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Are you looking for some new curriculum? Sparkhouse might have what you’re looking for. Sparkhouse creates resources for Christians “through collaboration and imagination.” Their mission? “To spark new life in Christian communities.” Sparkhouse offers a number of different resources, designed …

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Taking a Stand against Bullying

Post a Comment » Written on September 26th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources

Some of you may have read the recent article about a high school prank in Michigan that targeted an “unpopular” sophomore. Whitney Kropp of West Branch, Michigan, was surprised but excited to hear that she had been nominated for Homecoming …

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Ruin Your Life

Post a Comment » Written on September 24th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources, Uncategorized

Ruin Your LIfe: An Invitation to Let God Re-Create the Real You is a creative, interactive devotional for teens. Written by Chris Folmsbee and Covenant pastor Nate Severson, Ruin Your Life will inspire middle school and high school students to …

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Stay Connected!

Post a Comment » Written on September 19th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources

We want to stay connected with all of our youth workers! Please take a minute and go through this list to make sure you are a part of all that we have to offer. 🙂

  • Click here and “like” the

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Emerging Leadership

Post a Comment » Written on September 12th, 2012     
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The first run of one of our most recently developed retreats “Emerge” took place in the Northwest Conference August 24-26. Both Ginny Olson and Jon Kramka from the conference office were very pleased with what took place that …

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Covenant Kids: Follow up Trips

Post a Comment » Written on September 5th, 2012     
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Mission trips are being planned to follow the CHIC 2012 offering for Covenant Kids. Your group or individuals from your group can experience first-hand what God is doing to bring hope through Covenant Kids ministries in Colombia and India.

Colombia …

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A Tough Topic: Internet Pornography

Post a Comment » Written on August 22nd, 2012     
Filed under: Resources, Web Resource

I don’t know about you, but pornography is not exactly a topic I would love to talk about with youth. It’s awkward, it’s uncomfortable (on both sides), and it’s a difficult subject to broach.

But let’s be honest, as difficult …

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