Made For This11.29.10
This carved wooden spoon from Tanzania was a gift from my parents. I loved the look and feel of the curving intertwined lines of the handle carved from a single solid chunk. Even so, it slept in the kitchen drawer …

This carved wooden spoon from Tanzania was a gift from my parents. I loved the look and feel of the curving intertwined lines of the handle carved from a single solid chunk. Even so, it slept in the kitchen drawer …
What do you do when you sense conflict in a relationship? Why do you do what you do? I recently attended a seminar where this question was discussed in small groups. Listening to the other three members (Japanese) of my …
Thank God for Howard Gardner. What if he hadn’t come along to shake up our complacency, to remind us that the gift of intelligence has a lot more dimensions than used to be recognized? By now, few people haven’t heard …
I passed the top level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Exam last winter. It felt good to have twenty years of intentional immersion in Japan validated in this way. The test, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, is …
Who’s not in a hurry these days? Quicker ways to pay your bills, better apps for your phone and computer, healthier fast food so you can have less guilt about eating on the run. One of the first proverbs I …
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Deprivation makes us really grateful for ordinary things (if it doesn’t make us neurotic or OC first). In February,when our six month home assignment began in the States, my kids thought that Campbell’s soup …
I grew up the youngest of six Lundquist kids. At school or in the neighborhood that was my identity. I had older brothers and sisters I was very proud of, rightfully or not. I felt safe and special when people …
A first glance at Tokyo might reassure a visitor that things are not so different from industrialized Western countries. McDonalds is everywhere, and many signs are helpfully written in English. The above sign posted on a train in Tokyo is …
Growing up, I loved Monopoly. Something about the competition, the thrill of imagining what my life would feel like if I really did own all those expensive places and have all that money and power made me feel good. And …
In order to keep a true perspective of one’s importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him. – Dereke Bruce
One of the great things about living next door to …
The May 6 2010 BBC newsline reported that for the first time, “Net regulator Icann has switched on a system that allows full web addresses that contain no Latin characters.” Since more than half of all web users work with …
Today is beautiful, bright, and sunny- everything radiates life and energy, except inside my heart I quietly place a bouquet of garden flowers on Karen’s grave.
One beautiful early summer day in 1981, I drove the familiar stretch of road …
Yesterday at church people were standing and praising God to the beat of the band. Some folks were standing woodenly, unfree to sit down, unfree to raise their hands. For a moment, I felt like them. I liked the song, …
Jesus’ women friends were a lot like you and me, juggling family relationships, life details of cooking, laundry, raising kids and contributing behind the scenes to the family livelihood. Like us, they probably often felt caught between their hearts and …