Author Archives: fjmuniz

C.S. Lewis and Oxford – From a religious experience to a genuine spirituality based on Jesus’ teachings

The 360° Tour

When I was living in Spain, I visited England many times, but never had the chance to go to Oxford. I was waiting for such an opportunity when all of a sudden… it came!
I was on Read More

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Picking a French school

Our European coordinators, John and Letha K., (whom Johnna had the chance to work with years ago while living in Belgium), suggested we find a language school as a family to study French intensively when we first get to France. Read More

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Living in between

We are currently living in St Petersburg, Florida after spending two years in Japan. We have our eyes set on moving to Lyon, France in August 2018 to continue the work that we love – living as cross-cultural bridge-builders, creating

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Those who know Jesus, but don’t know it

“All paths lead to God. All religions are the same. Jesus isn’t the only way.” This is what people say. 

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