Retiring Pastors

Something new at this year’s Pastors Conference was a celebration of the retirement of two pastors. Here is a snapshot of who they are:

Pastor NAKWAFIO, age 68, service 44 years since 1967
Comment to the assembly: “Praise God for …

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Gift of Cloth

Every woman attending the Pastors’ Conference this week, some 470 women, received a gift of a piece of cloth from the President of Congo. Yes, that’s correct – the President of Congo. The CEUM invited His Excellence Arthur Sedea, the …

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Translating: what a workout!

Cindy and I got a real workout with translation today. We have been translating at the CEUM Pastors’ Conference in Gbado-Lite. Today Cindy translated Gary Gadini’s last message on Jonah and mission from English to Lingala.

Gary had a great …

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UPS truck or Airport Limousine service?

Which is it this trip? Or, which are we? A UPS brown delivery truck with next day (or month) deliver of mattresses and 8 boxes of medicines for the health center in Bangui or an airport limousine service getting Sarah …

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Pastor Jonas’ Story

I am Pastor Jonas. I can now smile again. Three of my children died in the war in Congo. I have no idea where two others are. I live here in Kenya with my grandchildren who are all refugees. God …

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Jacqueline’s Story

My name is Jacqueline Nyamahirwe. I arrived in Kenya in February 2009 as a refugee from Congo. My husband Gatore and I have six children. Initially life here was very hard, but the Kitengela Covenant Church has helped me find …

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David’s Story

My name is David Mutabazi. I am 16 years old and I came to Kenya with my uncle as a refugee from Congo. My father died in the war and I do not know whether my mother and siblings are …

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Sight — what a Christmas gift!!

Three years after going blind from cataracts, Mbiakoy Mbango received sight in one eye the week before Christmas. Mbiakoy is in the center of the photo. Also pictured are his son and wife. Hallelujah! What a Christmas gift! The prophet …

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Christmas Reflection

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”

Over the centuries writers have explored the mystery and paradox of the incarnation through the language of poetry. Consider this excerpt:

The white-hot beam of annunciation
fused heaven with earth,
his …

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Border Crossing at Zongo

Border crossings can be such fun.  🙂  Here is what we experienced leaving Bangui and crossing the Ubangi River to enter Congo at Zongo.

To leave CAR (Central African Republic – the capital of which is Bangui) you have to …

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