Election Day in Congo

Elections for President and for 500 delegates to Parliament are underway in Congo.  I went to the voting place at the Bokonzo Primary School less than 200 yards from our home and took these pictures.

In the picture below, you …

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English classes in Kenya

A part of the program for helping the Congolese refugees at the Kitengela Covenant Church is to teach English to the little kids so that they can enter school.  From 8AM to noon, Mon-Fri there are 2 English classes in …

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Congo team back together

Our entire resident Congo missionary team was together again last weekend for the first time in about 20 months.  Yes, the last time this group was together was in Chicago in late February 2010.  The one member not present was …

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LOONG Bus trip to Mombasa

Sometimes you’re on long trips where you’re making good progress all the way and sometimes you take a trip when it seems like you’re never going to arrive.  Yesterday was the latter for us as it took us 11 hrs …

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The Mud!

Life in Malakal is dominated by “the mud” at this time of the year. We are late in the rainy season and in this flat town has a loam soil that has a pretty good clay content, so there is …

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Welcome Lunch in Sudan

This is a shot of the food we were served Friday afternoon after the church welcomed us to Malakal. In the foreground you have 2 bowls of a kind of porridge out of corn. There is another bowl of the …

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Sudan Arrival

We arrived safely in Malakal via Juba on Friday at 15h10. After collecting our luggage, there was a welcome service where we had our feet and arms washed. It was a LOONG day as we left Nairobi 3h30 AM Friday …

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Cultural Differences – giving a price for your labor

“How much do I owe you for the repairs?” I asked the shoe repairman who has just hand sewn the bottom of the sole back onto my every-day shoes. “Oh, I can’t give you a price. You give me whatever …

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From Raising Chickens to Growing Tomatoes

What? Really? Switching from raising broilers and laying hens to growing tomatoes? That is what the Kitengela Covenant Church in Kenya did with their greenhouse over the past year. Simon Kamau is the pastor of the church that started a …

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Library night at the Ekstrands

Last week we started opening our home one evening a week for library night. We invited the CEUM leadership and employees to come read the French magazines, journals and books we have. We have a subscription to the journal CONGO-AFRIQUE, …

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