Posts under ‘News’

CHE meeting at Bogbakole

Yesterday, March 19, Rev Elenga and I went to the village of Bogbakole to introduce the CHE (Community Health Evangelism) initiative to a number of the village leaders.  22 people came from the local Covenant and Free churches plus several …

We are co-workers with God

“We are co-workers with God” was the theme of the CEUM’s biennial conference for pastors and their spouses held at Yakoma Feb 8-13.  The text for the theme was from 1 Cor 3:1-9.  776 attended of whom 512 were couples.…

New maternity center at Bokonzo thanks to CKC-WV

The Bokonzo health center has a new maternity center thanks to the initiative of Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision.








The building was completed during 2013 and the equipment arrived earlier this …

Strange fish disease spreading throughout the area

A strange, fast spreading disease is killing fish in the area of the CEUM.  The disease was first noticed near Gbado-Gboketsa the week before Christmas.  3 weeks later it was found in streams near Karawa some 120 miles to the …

Amazing savings groups are part of Covenant Kids Congo initiative

“The women’s saving group was inspiring and empowering,” said one of the pastors here this week.

Five Covenant pastors are here on a vision trip to visit the Covenant Kids Congo (CKC) powered by World Vision project.  The last visit …

Water towers going up in Gemena

Two water towers have recently been completed by the Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision project in Gemena.

These are in the Saza neighborhood of Gemena, a neighborhood which does not have any of it’s own sources of fresh …

32nd translation of the Bible completed in Congo

Each of the past two Sundays I was privileged to attend the dedications of Mbandja Bible, first at Yakamba SW of Gemena near Mbandja Bible [Desktop Resolution]Budjala and the most recent at Gbado-Gboketsa NE of Gemena.  The Mbandja Bible translation is the 32…

CHE training inspires participants

“You are the light of the world.  Let your light shine before others,” was the challenge Rev. Ambwa gave to the 19 participants at the closing of the recent CHE candle lit [640x480](Community Health Evangelism) training.  Truly that a key CHE principle …

Attendees inspired at CWR conference in Cameroon

The problems that I thought were just for our church or region (widows, orphans, marginalization) are found everywhere” commented one of the delegates at the recent Covenant World Relief (CWR) conference on community development.  In response to the …

Paul Carlson remembered in Congo

“There is no love greater than this, that a man lay down his life for another,” said James Fischer the preacher for the CEUM’s Paul Carlson commemoration this past Sunday, Nov 2.  In his message based on the text, John …

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