Posts under ‘News’

Driving in the mud!

No need for theme parks in Congo to add adventure and thrill to our lives.  Click here to watch a great ride!

The passengers all got out and tiptoed around as best they could.  They found some sticks to help …

Great visit by Simon & Matthew

What a great time when Simon Kamau and Matthew Malual visited Congo in mid-August. During the Q & A part of the seminar on development that gave to CEUM leaders, Simon happened to share about the French beans on his …

September Praise and Prayer items

As you remember us do thank the Lord for His provision and Pray for these items. Thanks.

– Sarah who got a teaching job at Pilsen Community Academy. She is the 6th-7th-8th grade math teacher. Teacher …

Reflections on the CEUM Anniversary

“Wow,” I thought as the pastors kept on marching on and on in front of us, “How long is this going to last? How many of 1,150 pastors came and are in the parade?” The parade was the big event …

House blessing

On Friday afternoon (8/3/12), there was a time of blessing for Pastor Elenga & Mama Bibi’s new home. Here are a couple photos.

They moved in the following day. Elenga called their home a “house of faith,” explaining that they …

Kenyan & S Sudanese Covenant leaders arrive in Congo

Saturday we welcomed leaders of the Covenant churches in Kenya and South Sudan along with Bob and Jan Thornbloom.   These guests are the first of 24 foreign guests to arrive for the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Covenant’s …

In Everything Give Thanks

I appreciate the CEUM’s continual recognition of God’s involvement in all of life. Some of the ways they do this are through praying before and after every trip and giving thanks for God’s provision of equipment.

Just recently they had …

Congo is #2 Failed State

Paul Carlson Partnership just posted this blog , Congo is #2 Failed State, with the news that according to the Fund for Peace’s Failed States Index, Congo is now the #2 failed state.  What strikes at the heart in …

Congo missionary team together for first time

In early May our entire resident Congo missionary team was together for the first time ever.  With Christine Buettgen’s arrival on April 24 and Paul & Sheryl Noren’s return from their ministries in the Central African Republic on April 30 …

Remarkable Moringa

The Karawa hospital is using dried moringa leaf powder to help patients, mostly children, suffering from malnutrition. The moringa oleifera leaves are very rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. The dried leaves have protein content 16 times that of milk, …

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