Category Archives: Family & Friends

Thanksgiving at Gamboula!

We were a huge crowd, what with 2 Wycliffe families from our nearby banking town, and Dr. Isac from Sweden, and 6.x Norens here. Our normal 13 people was swelled to 28!! It was a great time of fellowship and …

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Visiting Sharon Davis in Bamenda

Sharon Davis is an amazing woman, networking in all different directions to see people enabled, healthy, and hearing about the Lord.  While we visited her, if we mentioned a ministry or had a question or needed to find something in …

Posted in Family & Friends, Mission | 2 Comments

Where did the years go??

Our sons and their families were together last weekend and they celebrated Sam’s birthday. 29!!! That’s our baby!!!

From the photos they sent us and the phone conversation we had, it seems that they had an amazing weekend together. Check …

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Pray for Sam!

Our son, Sam, is going through technical exams right now to hopefully become an MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) airplane mechanic.  I talked to Anna, his wife, last night and I understand that it is not easy, but meetings with the …

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The home reverts to just a house again

We had an amazing year in Plymouth, Indiana and now it’s time to say goodbye! The living room is empty

but our hearts carry the memories we built here over the past year
We packed our bags, turning this

into …

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Roy, the fine specimen

Well, being on home assignment in the states for a year isn’t all drudgery.  We have had some wonderful fun inbetween and around the work times.  One of Roy’s favorite haunts is Dairy Queen, and somehow he manages to keep …

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Great grandma & great granddaughter


Do you think they’re related???   I couldn’t find a photo with Maia with the same expression as her great grandmother Mary in this photo, but other than her rounder blue eyes, she sure didn’t fall far from the family …

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That’s what families are for!

While enjoying a special one on one outing, read “date”, with Maddie, she made a sweet and interesting comment, out of the blue.

“Gramdee, that’s what families are for; taking the kids to the park!”  We had a giggly, energetic …

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He is risen! Hallelujah!

We had a packed day today!  Up at 4:30am to get Josh’s longed for Danish puff prepared before our sunrise service around a bonfire in Josh & Kimia’s backyard.  A couple of families, who have become dear friends to all …

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Tea Party, anyone?

Oh my did we have the time of our lives, with our Maddie as the center of attention for her belated birthday tea party at the American Girl Cafe in downtown Chicago!  It was a gift to have this possibility …

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