Category Archives: Family & Friends

The magic of Gramptree/Grampadee/Bucky

Is it the love of being outdoors and having someone to play ball with?  Is it that he always shares his ice cream?  Is it that he likes to have helpers in the garden or building a lizard cage?  Is …

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On saying goodbye


blog farmfam goodbye header june 16Leave taking is never easy.  Having to trust the Lord that you will see your sweet loved ones again, that they will be okay and keep on even without your physical presence.  That’s a shock, eh?  What a gift …

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You did WHAT with those trees??



blog Emrie helpingIf you ever go on a trip with Roy Danforth, you can count on having trees or fruit or seeds in your car, plane, or bicycle.  This return trip to Gamboula was no exception.  He gathered all his …

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We are filling our last weeks before leaving for Africa with as much friend and family time as we can.  Roy is combining business with pleasure, though I’m not sure that’s the right thing to say about his being …

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Joy filled last times in California!

Roy now has a coin collecting buddy, Stewart, from one of our supporting churches in the Sacramento area.  They enjoyed a coin collectors’ convention last week together.  It is good to see Roy finally find someone as excited about old …

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Please pray for Erik M

Our friend, Erik Mararv, who is a wildlife conservationist and safari guy, was seriously wounded in a skirmish with poachers. Click on this link to read about the incident.  Three rangers lost their lives in the incident, but we are …

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Blessed by friends!

It seems like wherever we go, friends are feeding us, housing us, and making us feel loved in a hundred ways.  We are overwhelmed and blessed!

Vernon and Carol Peterson, with newlyweds!!! Stephanie & Erik.

blog petersons April2016We made a visit to …

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On penguins and t-shirts

Creativity and imagination run rampant at the D4th farm!  Sometimes there are amazing mud pies and playing house, but then there are the days when the big penguin decides to take a busload of little guys out on a trip.  …

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Moving already???

Yes, we are still in the states until June 4th, but due to a crazy schedule for Roy’s dental work, we ended up packing and moving all big furniture and lots of heavy boxes over to our storage container in …

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90 years young!

We’re in California, Aleta until May 14th and Roy until June 1st.  Well, Roy has an Ecuador trip planned for the second half of May. Smile.  But he has to be back in Calif. for dental work on May 31st.  …

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