A Gift for RFIS

The shipment arrived!  Four times a year SIL (Wycliffe Translators) sends a container from the US.  Since RFIS is owned by SIL, this is how the school is able to get equipment and supplies here.

What’s in these crates?
(photo by Carrie Edwards)

There was much anticipation leading up to the day when Ron would open the crates and figure out how to assemble the contents… assuming the contents are not something out of the Madagascar movie!

Carrie Edwards and the AP Music class were present for the grand opening.

Half the fun was the bubble wrap.

Distracted! Can’t…resist… popping… bubbles

In fact, we took a sheet of bubble wrap once it was removed from the crated object, and laid it on the floor and, just like “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium” we danced on it!  It is as much fun as it sounds.

I wanna see! I wanna see! I wanna see!

When Ron got the side panel of the crate off, it was easier to get at it, unwrap it, and try to figure out how to get it out of the crate and upright.

There it is. It’s beautiful.  How do we get it out?

And a few days later, the crate was completely disassembled, legs and pedals were attached, and a crew of workers helped to get it upright.  The smaller crate contained the bench, legs, and screws.

And voila!  A beautiful baby grand piano!

A beautiful gift of a baby grand piano given to RFIS

This used piano is a gift that was sent to RFIS by a former teacher.  And the next big anticipation is — who gets to play it first?!

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