Better Together

Hello? Is anyone there?

Post a Comment » Written on June 17th, 2011     
Filed under: Better Together, Leadership, Liturgy, Music

Today’s post is written by Jo Anne Taylor, Director of Music and Worship at Bethlehem Covenant Church in Minneapolis, MN.

The “Better Together” worship community continues to wrestle with a number of discussion topics as Pentecost moves toward Trinity Sunday/Father’s …

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Strength in diversity

In encouraging fellow worship leaders to sign up and start commenting on the Facebook discussion page, “Better Together”, I don’t think any of us anticipated the breadth or depth of topics that might be covered. Today there are 135 …

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Joining the Conversation

Post a Comment » Written on June 3rd, 2011     
Filed under: Better Together
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There’s been a lot of good discussion this past week over in the Better Together Facebook group, from technology questions (“What type font do you use for projection – worship lyrics, sermon content, etc.?”) to worship programming discussions (“What …

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Better Together

Our vibrant denomination includes churches of nearly all ages, sizes, styles, ethnicities, and approaches to planning and leading worship. An interactive workshop at Midwinter 2011, titled Better Together: Worship Planning in Our Diverse Denomination, focused on several “case study” …

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