Enjoying the blessings of friends and last days in Canada – just a few photos :)
- Author: adminnahnychuk
- Category: Blog Posts
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Welcome to our Blog! This is a work in progress so we thank you for your patience! We will be posting on our progress as we transition into a new season of life – New Missionaries with Serve Globally serving in Argentina! And of course, once we are in Argentina we will be posting about life and ministry there! We are excited and encouraged to have you all join us in Ministry! Who are we? Read our story here! We are being sent to Argentina and you can read about what we’ll be doing here! Our next update will be coming out soon! Thank you for stopping by! We are excited to connect with you and share more! We are serving with open hands and surrendered hearts, Blessing to you all Colleen and Max Nahnychuk Report This Post
- Author: nahnychuk
- Category: Blog Posts
There IS Hope There IS Wonderful Joy
Hope – Wonderful Joy – Faith to Trust – Complete Surrender to Obedience It is June 8th, 2018 – This day looks VERY different from the June 8th, 2018 that we had envisioned on June 8th, 2017. So much has changed, and yet at the same time, there is a lot that has remained the same. The destination is the same; but the road to get there took a huge detour. How many times are we on a road and there’s a delay; a detour, an unplanned stop – whether to see something wonderful or because of an issue beyond our control? Do we still arrive at our destination, eventually? And sometimes that destination changes and is it not always better than we had originally planned? I should put a disclaimer here because I’ve been out on the KLR and my brain is a bit dual sport rider focused. Sorry folks. Many of you know that 1Peter1;6 is very close to my heart. ‘Be truly glad, there is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.’ I haven’t always been glad, I definitely didn’t think there would ever be wonderful joy ahead. I hatedthe trials I was being made to endure. But the destination; full time missions in Argentina, never changed; being a […]
- Author: adminnahnychuk
- Category: Blog Posts
The excitement of the next big step! Deep breathes!!
‘In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps’ Proverbs 16:9 ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Joshua 1:9 Friends – I have exciting news to share. I now have a flight booked to Argentina! The first week of July is when I leave Canada! To click ‘complete booking’ was a moment full of eager excitement – God is moving forward and I am continuing in His will; anticipation – I know a bit of what it will look like there, but what will serving and living in Argentina really be like, what is already in place for this Kingdom work; and ok, maybe a bit of giddiness – I think I was grinning ear to ear; and at the same time also a moment of fear – God, are you sure?; hesitation – is this really happening? I’m not running ahead am I?, sadness – I’m only booking one ticket and this is another reminder of this new life. I am calmed by the assurance that I am not alone. My path is being directed, He is with me, before me and has gone ahead. You are all with me, walking this […]
- Author: adminnahnychuk
- Category: Blog Posts
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