
Homework in the Garage

by Heather Chapman, co-founder of UNIDOS, San Juan Capistrano, CA

California’s 39% Latino population is rising, and in the Capistrano Villas it is about 95%. Yet in many ways, this community lives trapped behind a one-way glass. Many in this …


Choosing Presence and Lament

by Abigail Heath, Sankofa Journey participant, Lafayette, IN

We pulled up alongside a beautiful, brick church, and I tried to imagine the scene of bloody chaos that played out there only a couple of decades ago. We walk inside and …


But Do They Deserve It?

Why God’s Justice Cannot Thrive in a Meritocracy

by Adam Gustine, Director of LMDJ Ministry Initiatives

Perhaps you have noticed this pattern transpire whenever an incident of injustice gains national attention. Controversy gains steam nationally through news and social media …