Living with Hope and Healing

I have learned a lot from the people I have worked with over the years.  Kerry Keels was one of those people.  She was an amazing outgoing person who lived life with abandon.  She was an incredible chef and used …

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Thankful for a Grin and a Song

If asked what was the defining characteristic of Hap Carlson, most who knew him at Crossroads Covenant Church in Concord California would say it was his grin.  Hap loved life, loved to sing and loved to laugh.  My life intersected …

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Thankful for a Life dedicated to the people of Congo

The month of November does not pass when I don’t remember the living and dying of Vanette Thorsell.  She was likely the first missionary to Congo (then Zaire) I met.  She was passionate about the need for teachers in Congo …

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Thankful in November

The United States celebrates Thanksgiving in November.  Canada celebrates it in October and in Cameroon our churches celebrate a season of thankfulness in October AND November.  I love that the month of November begins with All Saints Day where we …

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Playing Lions

During the first quarter of our school year, the boys played soccer.


They had the opportunity to compete against many teams but the highlight was a scrimmage with the Cameroon National Women’s team.  The national women’s team heard about our …

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One of the things I have been doing recently is listening.


One morning not long ago, I was sitting  in the prayer garden at school and thinking, “Wow it is not raining and yet there are no birds out …

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Covenant World Mission Newsletter

Here is the article from the Covenant Companion’s World Missions Newsletter which Carolyn recently wrote.  Please pray for us as this school year starts in just a few days on August 7.


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Ups and Downs

This past few weeks has been one of highs and lows.

The push for students to complete their AP exams, and then celebrate the accomplishment.

Watching the fire coverage from San Diego and seeing how the firefighters saved so …

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Could YOU be the ANSWER?

As a member of the UBAC hostel committee, I along with many others have been waiting to see how God will provide hostel parents for the UBAC hostel this coming year.  In fact the ideal arrival date of new hostel …

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Chicken Production at RFIS

One of the classes we have been teaching at RFIS this year is an agriculture class.  Part of the class was for the students to run a small business enterprise.  They tried growing some crops with limited success but their …

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