This past week one my colleagues found the Facebook page where I posted pictures of RFIS back in 2008 – 2012 during the construction of the RFIS campus we currently occupy. He has been busy commenting on these pictures and sending the links to various people. And it is amazing to see how things have changed here over the years. It is hard to remember how it looked way back at the very beginning before we even began any construction.
So here is a look at the changing face of RFIS

Wooded area around the current garage and library area as seen in 2005 just after purchasing the property.
Summer 2009

The library building has all of the first floor and the floor poured for the second floor. Notice the ramp to get up to the second floor. No hint yet of the central tower to come.
October 2009
July 2010 – One month until school starts

Plenty of red dirt and that remains exposed until the area between the buildings has been graded a few ties to get the water run-off correct – so as not to flood the library building. Also not that there is no cover on the stairs gong up or down – not good with pouring rain!

The cover to the stairways was added in January 2011. One rainy season was enough to know that this was an essential improvement.

Five years after moving in there is hardly any red dirt to be seen on the ground but the roofs are gaining a distinctly orange hue.
I wonder what the next few years will hold for the view at RFIS.
This was so much fun to go down memory lane! It truly is a beautiful campus! You are in our prayers for another wonderful school year.
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