Rescuing Girls from Early Marriage

The Morpus Primary School and Rescue Center we visited in the Chepuraria area of Kenya is a key institution in Kenya’s efforts to end early marriage (under age 18) and female genital mutilation (FGM).

The JITOKEZE women’s empowerment NGO in …

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CHE vision seminar in S. Sudan

We had a good time two weeks ago leading a short vision seminar about CHE in South Sudan. Attending were 30 leaders of the two Covenant churches in Juba, South Sudan. We started with the story of the river crossing …

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Women’s empowerment in rural Kenya


I was very impressed with the work that Phillipine Kidulah is doing through JITOKEZE,, in the Kapenguria area of Kenya. Jitokeze, a partner with Covenant World Relief, is a grassroots community-based organization that seeks to improve food security

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Simon’s French bean farm

Wednesday we visited Simon Kamau’s farm of 9 acres of French beans near Mwea, Kenya. Beautiful! We tasted a couple and they were nice and tender. Yesterday, Friday, they were to harvest again. Simon will hire up to 100 local …

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We all scream for ice cream


Yes, we all scream for ice cream, especially when the motor on the new ice cream freezer we brought out in June burned out the first time we used it.  Sadness.  But then I finally asked the local electrician …

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Driving in the mud!

No need for theme parks in Congo to add adventure and thrill to our lives.  Click here to watch a great ride!

The passengers all got out and tiptoed around as best they could.  They found some sticks to help …

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Great visit by Simon & Matthew

What a great time when Simon Kamau and Matthew Malual visited Congo in mid-August. During the Q & A part of the seminar on development that gave to CEUM leaders, Simon happened to share about the French beans on his …

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September Praise and Prayer items

As you remember us do thank the Lord for His provision and Pray for these items. Thanks.

– Sarah who got a teaching job at Pilsen Community Academy. She is the 6th-7th-8th grade math teacher. Teacher …

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Reflections on the CEUM Anniversary

“Wow,” I thought as the pastors kept on marching on and on in front of us, “How long is this going to last? How many of 1,150 pastors came and are in the parade?” The parade was the big event …

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House blessing

On Friday afternoon (8/3/12), there was a time of blessing for Pastor Elenga & Mama Bibi’s new home. Here are a couple photos.

They moved in the following day. Elenga called their home a “house of faith,” explaining that they …

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