Posts under ‘News’

Roof of orphanage ripped off

Early yesterday a surge of gale force winds completely ripped off the long center section of the roof of the Sabuli’s Kids’ Orphanage.  Most of the 80 orphans where inside at the time and thankfully no one was injured.  Do …

Encouraging testimonies about CHE

Every week Rev. Elenga comes to share the stories of how the CHE (Community Health Evangelism) initiative went during his weekly visits to Bogbakole and Botakambia.  It is fun to listen to him share the stories, to see his passion …

Hospitality as mission = FUN

Last night we invited some good friends over for supper, Rev. Kobange, Rev. Kanda and their 5 kids.  They are in Gemena waiting for the arrangements to be made for them to travel to Yaounde where they will both pursue …

New blackboards at Lycee Vanette

Work was completed this week on 3 new blackboards at Lycee Vanette.


completed blackboard [640x480]







To make the blackboards the mason Ndekote first nailed lathes on the wall to make the border.





Inspired Nursing Professor

A recent widow. A mother of five. And a full-time professor at the ITM nursing school. Balancing these life-work demands as a single mother is challenging even in the United States, and even more is required when living in Congo. …

Joyous High School Students in Gemena

Today is a day for rejoicing!  Earlier this week we were awaked at 3:30 AM to the sound of people shouting and singing.  Here is Beatrice Elenga, the daughter of Rev. Elenga CHE facilitator, celebrating with her white head.


Congolese pastors empowered and encouraged through continuing education seminars

“These seminars have really encouraged me. These could start a revival in the CEUM.  I was reminded of aspects of ministry I had forgotten about,” were some of the comments by the 730 pastors attending the recent continuing education seminars …

New bridge completed at Bogbaguma

When we drove to Karawa last week I got these pictures of the new Kungu bridge which was completed while we were gone.








The beams for this bridge are 24″x 24″x 33 ft …

18 graduate from UPU with Masters degrees

Today was the 7th UPU (Ubangi Protestant University) graduation ceremony.  18 graduated with their Masters degrees; 6 from the school of theology and 12 from the school of economic sciences.  in additional 17 students received their Batchelors degrees.  In the …

Bogbaguma bridge repair

Bogbaguma bridge- view of bridge to E & hole [800x600]






Clearly this bridge needs to be repaired.  It is halfway between Gemena and Karawa, just past the village of Bogbaguma.  This link is more important than the I94 bridge across the Mississippi that collapsed a …

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