May 10
LET’S CELEBRATE! LET’S PRAISE THE LORD! The Scriptures have been translated into more languages!

Sunday, April 25 was a day of celebration. It was the dedication of 4 New Testament translations for the Lobala, Mono, Ngangi-Ngiri and Pagabete people groups …
May 05
April 28-May 1 the current Congo missionary team plus recent retirees Keith & Florence Gustafson gathered in a beautiful 8 BR home 10 miles from Gatlinburg, TN for a time of reflection and celebration of God’s work and blessings over …
Feb 23
CEUM engineer Kade Zongalinga is making good progress on replacing the center section of bridges on the long dike & series of 11 bridges on the road going East of Bogose-Nubea. This has been impassable for trucks for over 35 …
Feb 02
Despite her hard work and long hours, Denise, 34, found she could not meet the basic needs of her family. Caring for her six children, working her farm, and running a small business, it seemed impossible to make ends meet.…
Jul 09
CEUM engineer Jose KD Zongalinga has been working hard on the series of bridges crossing the Nguya going East of Bogose-Nubea towards Karawa. Originally there were 11 bridges on this stretch of dike across the river and marshy approaches. Kade …
May 19
In 2019 Covenant World Relief (CWR) supported a creative project that taught hair-styling and baking to unwed mothers, widows and daughters at the Inke and Bili refugee camps for refugees from the Central African Republic. The project was enthusiastically received …
Dec 13
A newly drilled well is providing safe water for the Bogose-Nubea hospital! HALLELUJAH!

With funds provided by Paul Carlson Partnership (PCP) and technical planning and oversight by M. Gaspy Zongalinga a well was drilled, solar panels & pump installed and …
Sep 10
Wait, did I read that correctly? Hearse driver? Yes, indeed. And that was some of my role last Saturday afternoon. The 32 year old daughter of long-time CEUM school inspector Gwanago tragically died in Kinshasa August 31 after only a …
Sep 04
From time to time I’m asked a question such as: what are your responsibilities or what does a “normal” day look like for you? Well, there are lots of responsibilities and I don’t know what a “normal” day is, or …
May 24
Sometimes systems can work very quickly and efficiently. This past Sunday, April 19, I learned that the modem for the satellite internet system at Karawa had some physical problems. It appears that somehow it hit the concrete floor. It is …