Category Archives: Family & Friends

Josh, Lori, and Charlie!

Oh, what fun!  We had a super 2 days with the Shinars, and I can tell you honestly that though we miss them at Gamboula, it was wondrous to see them shine in this new place of ministry.   Josh was …

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Christmas, birthday and thank you surprises!

Our buddies, Jan & Kim Cone, just returned from a trip to Yaounde for dental work.   They came with a bunch of mail for us, it’s always fun to open cards and letters.  Snail mail is wonderful, even when we …

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Happy Birthday, Mom!!!


It’s Roy’s mom’s birthday today, March 16.  Roy & I just chatted with Mom & Dad on Skype-to-phone a few minutes ago, 9 am California time, 5 pm Gamboula time.  I can’t even begin to tell you how I …

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Goodbye and God bless our three Swedelies!

blog Swedelies
Elin, Sofie, and Veronica will be sorely missed. They have been a wonderful addition for their 6 months with us here at Gamboula. They have brought laughter and music and tenderness and willing spirits and helpful hands and joy, and …

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Special moments in Lesotho

These first ones speak for themselves, moments of joy with the kidsblog seas 9 blog seas6 blog seas3 blog seas2blog seas4

I confess I do like cats better than dogs, but I don’t think Everest the cat is playing fair here, such a tease!blog seas1This was a super fun …

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Oh them lions they can eat your body but …


they can’t swallow your soul, no, no, no… while in Lesotho over Christmas, we had some fun adventures with our kids and grandkids, along with Dave & Cindy Lux, Anna’s parents.  We handled live lions and we were thankful …

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Merry Christmas!

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We send our love and hugs across the miles and hope that JOY fills your hearts as we celebrate the Messiah’s birth this Christmas!

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Camping just an hour away

blog camping6We drove about an hour to an amazing farm/wilderness property that Sam and Anna had previously visited.  While Sam bow hunted, the rest of us enjoyed camping and hiking and playing.  We tossed a frisbee football around and it bounced …

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Big hunter!


Thump! went something on the front bumper.  Sam pulled over, grabbed a bag out of the back of the car, and went running back down the highway with a grin on his face.  Anna followed, while the kids asked …

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In Lesotho for Christmas


blog 12 lesotho blog 12 SamAnna blog 12 SawyerOh what JOY!!!!   We are in Lesotho with Sam, Anna, Elaina, and Sawyer, until Dec. 27th.   We are thoroughly enjoying our time with them, working and playing and sharing and praying and of course eating!   Please pray for them …

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