Category Archives: Family & Friends

How do you spell healing?

A place of peace to run to, to wrestle with stresses and losses (not belongings though that also was involved,, but relationships, security, ministry, and the like) and let them go as we find rest and energy again as precious …

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One last farewell and the mission is feeling empty

blog Tim n Ann 29.7.14Tim & Ann Wester, long time missionaries,I mean, really really long time missionaries, both having grown up in DRCongo, have finished up their term here.  They are heading for the states now, for a year of home assignment, catching up …

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So long to our buddies, the Turks

Our good friends, the Turks, are now officially moved back to Yaounde for this next year.  It ended up that they were needed to fill the position of dorm parents for the school year 2014-2015.  We will sorely miss them …

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Roy is 60!

blog roy bdayand he doesn’t look a day over 18!  What a guy!  We decided to celebrate big time a little later.  Right now our friends, the Turks, are packing down all their belongings, planning on leaving for Yaounde tomorrow morning.  Roy …

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An encouraging visit from our buddies

Aw, snap!  I didn’t get a photo of Paul & Sheryl Noren while they were with us, but we sure enjoyed their visit.  They were with us for a week, taking care of going through their belongings left here last …

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Pastor B

blog 5.14 Past. B n moto (1) blog 5.14 Past. BOur dear friend and colleague, Pastor B, has long had the Fulani people on his heart.  He was commissioned by the local Baptist church as a missionary pastor to the Fulani and other Muslixm people.  Because of the recent ethnic …

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A new baby for Chief T’s clan

Tickle me pink, I got to hold little Abdallah Basfar, as a 2 day old!  He is the grandson of the late Chief T and my best friend Hajja Hawa, and is the son of Chief T’s youngest child.  Here …

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New friends at Kribi

blog AndreaBernhard

Who’da thunk we’d meet these 2 dear people at Kribi and end up friends so quickly?  Andrea and Bernhard from Germany showed up in a room next to us at the beach at Kribi, having arrived on motorbike after travelling …

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Our buddies, the Cones, heading stateside

blog Jan Kim

What can we say?  We so enjoy Jan & Kim Cone!  They are our colleagues in Fulani ministry, the parents of one of our daughters-in-law and therefore co-grandparents of 3 of our grandchildren, the ones we can talk to about …

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R n R

We are at the beach, under advisement from our regional coordinators, for a bit of time to be away from the tensions of the last few months.   We are thankful for this beautiful place to relax.   We will not have …

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