Category Archives: Family & Friends

Superbowl with friends!

Okay, I’m not much for watching sports, but you know who is!!!  We had some good friends over on Superbowl Sunday, but wait ’til you hear this!blog superbowl 2016 (3)

Tim Smith and his daughter, Bekah, drove all the way from Florida, braving …

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Happy birthday,… on and on

So, in our family, Roy’s usually the one who milks a birthday for all it’s worth.  This year I guess it’s my turn.  Seems like I’ve been celebrating for 3 weeks, starting in Calif. and even now I’m still getting …

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After Midwinter, just friend time!

Midwinter (Covenant pastors/missionaries/etc) conference in Chicago last week was excellent.  We were able to attend good workshops, be blessed by wonderful worship and teaching sessions, AND we spent many hours visiting with colleagues we haven’t seen in a long time.…

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Treasure found!

My stepmom, Ardys, is going through all her belongings, thinning everything down in anticipation of moving from her full sized house to a 1 bedroom suite in a retirement place.  She sent this photo to Roy’s mom & dad and …

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Treated like kings in California!

Nothing like being in California in January rather than icy cold Indiana, right?  We have many supporting churches in California, so we have to schedule big blocks of time there.

In Hilmar, Tom & Pat Sparks treated us to waffles …

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Jessica and Timothy

blog TLC + Jessica

We’re excited!  Jessica and Timothy have set the date!  They’re getting married in April.  You might remember Timothy as the bee guy
blog TLC beesor the jakfruit guy. tlc jakfruit He was so great about taking photos and he was our next door neighbor …

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Samfam is back in Africa

We said goodbye to Sam, Anna, Elaina, and Sawyer on Jan. 2nd when we took off for California, but they didn’t actually leave Indiana for South Africa until last week.  SEAS back to SA

The MOM, helping get the school books readythe mom!!!

The DAD, …

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Thankful for Skype!

We remember the days of writing letters, numbering them because they took sooooooooooooooo long to get from Zaire to the U.S. and they could arrive 2 at the same time and get mixed up, or they could easily get lost.  …

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On fathers and children

Can’t you just imagine God looking at you sometimes, just like this?  What do you see?  Joy, love, amusement, maybe even a little smirking with pride,…?  I think of God being right there, comfortably swinging next to us on our …

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Snow for the cousins! Yes!

The 2 grandkids from South Africa were hoping and praying for a white Christmas.  Didn’t happen.  Then they were hoping for big snow anyway, before the new year, before Gramdee and Grampadee (both “Bucky” to little Emrie!) left for California.  …

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