Category Archives: Family & Friends

Flat tires

In South Africa, the week before we left, we had a flat – a very rare occasion for Sam and Anna,blog S.A. flat

but then on our way from Yaounde, Cameroon, to Gamboula, we had a flat on our truck as well.  …

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Visiting the Vianas in Mozambique

blog mel ctrWith hearts full of hope and days ahead full of plans, Alex and Melanie Viana have been a joy for us to meet and get to know a little bit.  Partnering with their dear friends Pastor John and Pastor Maria,…

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Little toes and cars make the world rock!

Our kids, Sam & Anna, are out there, being in relationship with people, loving them in awesome ways.  Anna has just started Zulu language study, and she is learning by immersion, at the Genesis connected Khula nursery school.  She’s delighting …

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Precious times

Enjoying the beach in the evening as the sun goes down is great, but what is better is if your grandson gets cold and needs to snuggle up under a beach towel to get warm!  What a gift it is …

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There are lots of different ways to celebrate!

Our grandson, Sawyer, and I both celebrated birthdays this month.  Sawyer chose wild and crazy (he’s the one with the goggles)blog bdays

and I chose shopping – first at an amazing farmer’s market with a marvelous view over a gorge
blog bday waterfall

and …

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Enjoying S. Africa’s Free State

We were able to take a few days’ break before school and work started again in early January.  Free State country is amazing, breathtaking, expansive, and ruggedly beautiful.  blog free state2

Crazy wonderful rock formations

blog free state

A sweet little outdoor chapel

blog chapel

And a lovely …

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Blessing the foundation

Four guys and four girls, and a passel of dogs LOL, joined together to pray over the foundation of the house our son Sam is building for us.  The four guys anointed the four corners and we all tucked verses …

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

As we celebrated the Messiah’s coming with only part of our birth family (you can see Josh and Kimia and their girls in the photo next to the Jesus candle), we couldn’t help but be thankful for blog-jkmme-w-us

the families God …

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Building a house

Sam is in process of building, pretty much in his spare time, a house for us on Lynn & Gary’s farm.  Sam and family are aiming to be here for some time yet, so we thought it might be a …

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Make your own corn toss?

Roy built the frames and Sawyer and Elaina painted the creatures on them.  I made the bags to fill with corn, following the measurement and weight online.  I couldn’t help but think of Roy’s birthday last year when Maddie and …

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