Category Archives: Family & Friends

Worship at the CEFA farm

As we wrote about in our recent newsletter, we felt led to start up a Sunday morning worship service at the farm.  There are many families that have joined us the last two Sundays, and we are excited to think …

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Nice to have a handyman for a husband!

The other day I turned the kitchen faucet on and water came gushing out onto the floor.  Thankfully Roy was home, and he promptly turned off the water main into our house and got to work trying to solve the …

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Swedish medical visitors

We have a group of 8 Swedish visitors here with us, all medical young people; 6 are doctors, at various stages of internship and residency, 1 is a nurse, and leading the group is Dr. Isak B., who was here …

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Last days in South Africa 2

Leaving our little South African family was easier this time, knowing we’ll see at least Sam, Anna, Elaina, and Sawyer, and our stateside loved ones soon – in July when we head off for vacation in the U.S.

We managed …

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We thank the Lord for each of you

When I think about how God has blessed us, I get quite overwhelmed.  Thank you for your friendships, your care , your support, and your prayers for us and the ministries we are involved in.  We are so thankful to …

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Celebrating birthdays, celebrating family

Sawyer’s 12th birthday, with his traditional donut cake!   His party was a guys only camping overnight with buddies,  complete with lots of hotdogs, a potato gun/rocket, and another birthday cake, this time a regular chocolate cake.
I had a huge!!! …

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Remembering “I” and Eva

While we live life as fully as we can in South Africa, reaching out in God’s love to whoever is in our path each day, life, and death as well, carry on up in Central Africa.  In this past few …

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Visit to precious friends in Lesotho

Wow, what a sweet time we had visiting friends in Lesotho!  It was well worth the hassles of crossing the border, checking in and out of South Africa and Lesotho…  We found ourselves in line with some very interesting characters.   …

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Gifts of skills

When we were first married, Roy worked on a construction/maintenance crew with the L.A. Flood Control District.  I was in nursing school and he was taking college courses at night, working like a dog full time during the day.  His …

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We had a lovely Christmas, and we paid attention to this list somewhat – maybe we’ll do better next year!

Grandson Sawyer made this great manger scene with legos – quite the jump from his normal crazy creations.

We had …

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