Dear Praying Friends & Family,
Thank you for praying for CEFA director Benoit, his travels have gone very well. He is still in Burkina Faso at an ECHO (Christian ag development org) conference as I write this. His return is planned for Oct. 2nd.
Please pray for Byron Admundsen, one of our “bigwigs” from the Chicago Covenant offices, who is on the road in Congo (DRC) right now but will be visiting with us and then in Cameroon Oct. 6-20. Pray for permission for the mission plane to land at Gamboula, pray for his health and safety as he travels over many many miles.
Please keep praying for Jean Bedel, our candidate for the position of ag village extension agent/assistant director of CEFA. He has kept in contact with us from the capital and we are hopeful that he soon will join us in ministry. Along these lines, CEFA is interviewing candidates for farm director and secretary/bookkeeper. There are a couple of very good applicants/possibles, so we continue to hope and pray for a complete staff for CEFA.
At the mission hospital we are preparing for the arrival of two ocean freight containers full of medical supplies from Sweden. These containers are being processed in the port of Douala, Cameroon, right now. Please pray for smooth, quick, and not-too-expensive processing.
Please pray for our upcoming Fulani strategy planning. Now that we have a new family here at Gamboula, AND, PTL, we have the possibility of another young family coming too, we really need to be deliberate in our search for God’s guidance. Please pray that we would be faithful to the Lord’s leading, that we would have hearts and minds open and sensitive to how we should proceed.
Blessings and hugs,
Roy & Aleta