words by jenny
This summer we are going to have the privilege to work with two Serve Globally Interns. We are excited about this opportunity to share life and Ecuador with two young people who are exploring their call to global mission. And an added bonus! They are both from First Covenant Church Omaha, the church that I grew up in! Of course in my mind, Zach and Abegale are still both about 8 years old, but it was so fun to chat with them via Skype and hear a bit about where life has taken them and where they feel that God might be calling them in the future.
We are still ironing out the details of what their time will look like while they are here, but we know part of their time will be spent here in the Quito area closer to our family and part of their time will be spent partnering with La Victoria church in Manta.
As part of their process, they are fundraising to cover their costs for their time here in Ecuador. We know what a big job fundraising is and what an important skill it is to learn if serving globally is in your future. So, we want to encourage them in the process and encourage all of you to help them get here! Every little bit helps…seriously!
Thank you in advance for your support of them and for your continued support of us as we walk alongside them this summer!
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