
Practicing Presence and Hospitality … on Facebook

1 Comment » Written on August 15th, 2012     
Filed under: Reflection

I’ve got a confession to make. I’m an opinionated person and I am passionate about what I believe in. Normally, this isn’t a huge problem. However, it can become a problem on Facebook, where there is a degree of anonymity. …

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Biblical Gender Equality

1 Comment » Written on August 1st, 2012     
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“The truth is that male religious leaders have had and still have an option to interpret holy teachings, either to exalt or subjugate women. They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter. Their continuing choice provides the …

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Before Fall Ministry Begins…

Post a Comment » Written on July 30th, 2012     
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August is just around the corner, which means the school year will be here before we know it. Are you ready for all that fall will bring?

“It happens predominantly to schoolteachers and youth ministry leaders. I don’t even know

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Now What?

Post a Comment » Written on July 25th, 2012     
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One of the things I remember most about being a Christian in high school is the feeling of coming back from a week of camp. I started going to a Covenant camp in 6th grade, and loved it so much …

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Students Reflect on CHIC

Post a Comment » Written on July 23rd, 2012     
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After an incredible week at CHIC, I know that so many students are back at home with a new or renewed faith, and feeling empowered by the Holy Spirit. I hope each of you who attended have been blessed by …

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You are Tov

Post a Comment » Written on July 18th, 2012     
Filed under: CHIC, Reflection


Most of you who read this blog are probably at CHIC this week. I don’t know about you, but this morning I feel totally exhausted and drained of energy. I’m sure many of you are feeling the same. But …

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Take Some Notes

Post a Comment » Written on June 27th, 2012     
Filed under: CHIC, Resources
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From Dominique Gilliard:

Below are excepts from a statement that is being put together for a task force on education for the CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) this year. This will be relevent to what we will be discussing at …

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Youth Cartel – Coaching

Post a Comment » Written on June 25th, 2012     
Filed under: Events, Resources, Uncategorized

The Youth Cartel

Announcing the 2012 plans for the Youth Ministry Coaching Program

More information can be found here.

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Reflection of a YMN Facilitator

4 comments Written on June 13th, 2012     
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Youth Ministry Network (YMN) Facilitator, Erik Cave

I love being a YMN Facilitator, though it hasn’t been all easy.  When I was asked to serve I thought I knew what I was getting into.  After all, I was there when …

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Covenant Resources

Post a Comment » Written on June 11th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources
The Evangelical Covenant Church has a vast collection of resources available to you ALL THE TIME!

Be sure to check them out:

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