This update comes from a regular email sent out by NPTS to students. We’ve made no attempt to edit the report. Please pray for our brother, the professor, Michael Van Horn.
Saturday morning, January 2, 2010
From Michael’s father: Mike …
This update comes from a regular email sent out by NPTS to students. We’ve made no attempt to edit the report. Please pray for our brother, the professor, Michael Van Horn.
From Michael’s father: Mike …
Need a reason to connect in Denver, January 23-25? Check out this blog post by ECC worship leader/pastor, Matt Nightingale. Here’s a taste:
From time to time I mention how grateful I am for my denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church
Dear Covenant pastors and worship leaders.
Our friend and professor, Michael Van Horn, is very ill in the hospital. Essentially, the cause is pneumonia. Please pray God would strengthen his mortal body and restore the gift of health. Here is …
On Friday, October 30th 12 pm CST, Nancy Beach and Eric Bramlett will interview Efrem Smith about reclaiming the arts for God and how we create art from the viewpoint of God’s beloved.
Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary Covenant Church, …
Check out this article on worship and justice, recommended by our Covenant Resource Center.
Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in my heart the love of your Name; increase in me true religion; nourish me with all goodness; and bring forth in me the fruit …
Here’s a nice article by Nancy Beach on the topic of leading artistic people.
Leading Artists: Five principles for overseeing right-brained team members
This is the second post in the L3 (Leadership Lessons Learned) series.
I’m struck by our drive to pass the buck. Have any of these things happened to you?
I’m feeling my middle age—still young enough to be foolish and certainly old enough to be out of step. So I thought I’d blog about the stuff I think I know—particularly things I learned about leading the arts and worship …
Scot McKnight posted a short piece about our emotions and affections in public worship. Possibly you are interested. How do you feel about this? I’ve taken inventory of my own feelings after reading the piece, and I think I’m …